Home Remedies For Sore Nipples

Breastfeeding is one of the easiest and best ways to provide nutrition to your infant. It nurtures your child and gives the required anti-bodies to fight various diseases. During this period most mothers face a common problem, that of sore nipples. Sore nipples can cause discomfort and pain. Usually mild soreness heals itself within few days. Listed below are some quick remedies to deal with this problem.

Prevention and Home Remedies for Sore Nipples

Application of cool compress to your nipples, before nursing can help in alleviating sore nipple problem. Let the child suckle the nipple which is less sore as the first suckle is the most active. Keep switching sides with each feeding, thus avoiding pressure from the baby's mouth on the same part of the breast.

Do not discontinue nursing; they heal by frequent nursing with the passage of time. Exposure of nipples and breasts to air prevents growth of thrush. Avoid wearing bra for long hours of the day instead wear nursing bras with flaps. Expose your breasts and nipples to sunlight for minimum 30 seconds and gradually increase it to three minutes.

To prevent cracks, tears and chapping of nipples apply Olive oil, or Sweet almond oil, or Lanolin or Comfrey ointment. Use this throughout the latter part of the pregnancy and beginning weeks of nursing. Do not use soap, cologne, deodorant and powder on your nipples or breasts. Avoid washing nipples with soap as it leads to chaps or cracks.

Application of Comfrey ointment softens and strengthens the nipples. It is useful for sensitive nipples. Use of Yarrow leaf poultices - or Yarrow infused oil provides instant relief from cracked, sore and chapped nipples. For relief rub the nipples with resin of Balsam fir. Phytolacca Decandra is very useful in cases of breast infection, mastitis and cracked nipples.

Calendula cream or ointment is useful in treating cracked nipples, abscess or any other breast injury. Apply it right after nursing and clean it before next feeding. By cutting an Aloe Vera leaf, apply fresh gel to heal sore and cracked nipples.

Make a strong decoction by mixing 2 oz. of Squaw vine with 1 pint water. Add an equal amount of good cream and boil it to a consistency of soft salve. Once cool, strain and apply over the nipples after feeding. For cracked and painful breasts simmer handful of elderberry blossoms in 1/2 cup oil for 20 minutes. When cool, strain and apply it on the breasts.

While feeding the baby from the right breast, express a little milk and apply it on to the left breast and vice versa. Repeat this a few times until the soreness subsides. Breast milk is a great cure to quickly heal cracked or sore nipples.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Easily Overcome Breastfeeding Problems

Breast milk is proved to be the best food for babies. For young mothers who just gave birth to a baby, she would always want to provide breast milk exclusively.

However, various obstacles when giving exclusive breastfeeding often made mothers desperate. Here are some of the obstacles which are often experienced by many mothers when breastfeeding and how to deal with it.

1. The nipples go down
How to deal: Upon entering the seventh month of pregnancy, you can begin to get used to pulling nipples with your fingers to stand out. If necessary, use milk pump assistance. If the mother’s nipple goes down, do not be worry, the important is strong-willed mothers to breastfeed.

2. Swollen breasts
We started feeding, on day-to-three or four, breasts often feel so full and tense with pain. Do not be panic, if you feel this.

How to deal: Remove the milk by pump or by hand if it is exceeding the needs of breastfeeding infants. To reduce pain, compress the breast with warm water and doing gentle massage from the base of the breast towards the nipple.

3. Blisters and sore nipples
This condition is usually caused when we do breastfeed in the wrong position. Usually it occurs when the nipple has not been stretched, but the suction of the baby is very strong.

How to deal: Start the breast feeding when the breast does not feel pain and the baby is not too hungry so the sucking is not too strong. Fix the sucking position, so the baby’s lips closed on the areola between the upper and lower gums.

Notice also how to release the baby’s mouth after feeding. Put your little finger at the corner of baby’s mouth, press a little bit of your milk and spread it around the nipple. Do not clean the nipples with soap and alcohol. If the blister does not heal within a week, you can go to a health clinic or to the nearest hospital immediately.

4. The breast tract obstruction
Breast swelling and discharging a tight bra can cause breast tract obstruction.
How to deal: Remove by hand or pump breast milk, warm water compresses before feeding and cold water compresses after feeding.

5. Breast Inflammation
Inflammation of the breast usually occurs in week-one or number-three after giving birth. The signs are, the breast’s skin looks reddish, breast hardening, pain and a lump appeared.

How to deal: Keep feeding your baby in such a condition. What is needed is to gently massage the breast regularly. When it is accompanied with fever and pain and you can take fever or pain relievers medicine. If your condition is worsened, you can go to the hospital immediately.

6. Less milk production
How to deal: Notice the emotional atmosphere, because the release of breast milk can also be influenced by the mood of the mother. You need to keep your mind peace, getting enough rest and enhance confidence in the ability of breast-feeding a baby. Consumption of more healthy food and drink at least eight glasses a day.

Some Problems on Breast Feeding

Breastfeeding is the act of naturally feeding an infant with milk produced in the mother’s breast. This has unlimited amounts of benefits for the baby not only breast milk is healthier but the action of feeding the child is a moment of love in which the baby learns to bond, smell and caress with the mother as she gives nourishment and affection. Without a doubt breast milk is the best food for a newborn, nothing comes even closer to provide all the nutrients that the baby will need later in life. Breast milk is much easier to digest then any formula in the market, at the same time it provides protection against infections, prevents future food allergies, helps the growth of healthy teeth, and most important it improves brain development. Studies had shown that breastfed babies are more intelligent than formula fed babies.
However, many mothers stop breastfeeding after the third or fourth month switching to formula and later to cow’s milk, this certainly robs the baby of the special qualities that breast milk offers. Infants that stop nursing before the forth month are at risk of developing asthma, food and respiratory allergies, intestinal bacteria, and oral weaknesses (poor teeth development).
Sometimes a mother can not breastfed her baby due to a number of reasons, such as, low quality of milk, breast pain, infection, etc. That’s when herbs come into play, many midwifes have used them for years to improve quality and quantity of milk, to fight infection and much more, take a look at the following conditions and the natural ways to treat them.
Low quality or quantity of milk
Low quality of milk can be cause by medications or a poor diet, many antibiotics contaminate the milk and a diet high in caffeine may cause colics and sleeping problems for the baby it is very important the the mother keeps eating a well balance diet after giving birth, and preferably foods with no traces of pesticides these poisons become highly concentrated in the milk.
The use of a breast pump may inhibit the production of milk, lowering the amount available to the baby, this gives the false idea that the infant should be change to formula in order for him to be satisfied, when in fact the problem is the quantity of milk that the mother is producing.
Herbs can help with both of these common problems.
We recommend
- Eat alfalfa or take it in capsules, it stimulates lactation, improves quality and quantity of milk.
- Chaste tree Increases flow of milk, by affecting pituitary’s prolactin secretion.
- Chinese use an herb called codonopsis to increase lactation and strengthen the blood.
- Goat’s rue this herb is been used by midwifes for hundreds of years to improve breast milk production by as much as 50 %.
- Vervain encourages milk secretion and flow, it also increases absorption of nutrients from food and helps with postpartum depression.
- Milk thistle promotes production of milk and decreases pesticide residues in breast and milk.
TIP: Did you know that tight bras may stop the milk production and cause plugged ducts?.
- Cumin helps increase milk production.
- Caraway, aniseed, dill, and fennel promote flow of best milk. It can be taken in form of teas or infusion.
- If you are prone to chills while breastfeeding and have poor quality of milk use calcarea.
Breast engorgement is a very common problem that start affecting the mother in the first two or three weeks after delivery and is more annoying to women with poor skin elasticity. Engorgement is due to milk excessively filling the breast together with blood and fluid retention in the same area.
Usually the breast feels full, hard, tight, tender, painful, the breast feels hot to the touch and a fever may develop, the baby may have a hard time to latch on and suck.
We recommend
- Take a handful of Confrey leaves and steam them for a few minutes wrapped in a gauze and placed on the breast are very helpful relieving engorgement.
- Take the homeopathic remedy Belladonna 6X.
- Soak a towel in hot water and place it on the breast ten minutes before feeding.
- Poke root reduces swollen breast and pain. Use under doctor supervision.
- Elder is used to reduce swelling of engorged breast.
- Chamomile help control inflamed breast.
- Give your baby frequent feeds on both breast 10 to 15 minutes each.
- Use a pump to extract milk between feedings to control engorgement.
- Massage the breast while feeding to help milk flow easily.
- Mix 2 quarts of boiling water.
- tsp. of vitex berries. 2 tsp. of blessed thistle leaves. 1 tsp. of nettle leaves. 1/2 tsp. fenugreek seed. 1/2 tsp. anise seed. Let it steep for 30 minutes, strain and drink 2 cups a day.
- Bryonia reduces swollen and hard breasts.
- Pulsatilla and calcarea is very helpful reducing the size and hardness of engorged breasts.
- When the production of milk is excessive and produces engorgement a cold compress using peppermint oil should be used.
- A compress of marshmallow and slippery elm often reduces engorgement.
Plugged duct
This is a problem that occurs when the baby does not empty the breast completely on each feeding, the milk remaining in the duct hardens and blocks the duct eventually plugging it. Tight bras can cause plugged ducts as well. If the breast feels sore
it might be a sign of plugged ducts. A plugged duct should be taking care of as soon as possible, if not so it can develop into Mastitis.
We recommend
- Castor oil helps with inflammation and pain.
- Elder is used to reduce swelling of plugged breast ducts.
- Queen’s delight Clears congestion of lymphatic vessels, stimulates white blood cells to react to infection.
- Check your nipples everyday, if you see dry milk on them or dark dots remove them with a cotton and warm water and feed your child as soon a s possible from that breast.
- Place the baby in different positions every time, this will ensure that all ducts are being used.
- Place hot towels on the breast or run hot water over them in the shower.
- Massage the breast in the direction of the nipple to try to get the milk to come out. Mastitis
Mastitis is a condition that results when a plugged duct becomes infected, the breast swells due to a bacteria that enters through tinny cracks on the nipples. The breast infected with mastitis becomes red and painful with pus secretion other symptoms are fever, fatigue, vomiting or nausea.
We recommend
- Take poke root this helps mastitis. Use under doctor supervision.
- Queen’s delight Clears congestion of lymphatic vessels, stimulates white blood cells to react to infection.
- Place hot towels on the breast or run hot water over them in the shower.
- Elder is used to reduce swelling of breast infected with mastitis.
- Rest as much as you can.
- Drink lots of water or alfalfa juice.
- Coat your nipples with breast milk after feeding.
- There are antibiotics that are safe for nursing mothers and their babies, see your doctor if your case is very severe. However we recommend that you try to avoid antibiotic as much as you can.
- Wash your hands before and after feeding, to prevent bacteria contamination.
- Dandelion is very helpful and popular herb to treat mastitis.
- The chinese use gentian to cure mastitis.
- Madder root is useful in relieving mastitis.
Cracked nipples
Cracked nipples can develop when the baby is being position wrongly or by using damp breast pads. The nipple becomes irritated, redBusiness Management Articles, and painful in some cases bleeding may develop.
- Calendula cream will soothe and encourage the healing of cracked nipples and is safe for the baby to swallow.
- The homeopathic remedy called chamomilla helps heal cracked nipples.
- The homeopathic remedy called pulsatilla helps heal cracked nipples.
- Sulfur is also helpful for cracked nipples.
- Apply vitamin E to sore and cracked nipples.

Menstrual Problems

Menstruation, except in case of women and certain diseases and birth between the ages of blood from the womb. This piece is from the month of the curse, are also given names such as certain standing. Heavy menstruation is obviously a case reserved for women. Dirty and toxic substances that accumulate in the body, menstrual blood is discarded with the lighter body, health is. Therefore, the terror Heavy Menstrual latter requirement afraid latter requirement is no reason for his disgust.

Menstruation in women from the first two days, much blood flows. 2.3, 1-2 later cloth is enough to pollute. It is not much blood clot, road rash and internal membranes always very abundant in this way many foreign germs get mixed up.
All these pieces in a heavy smell of blood. Recorded in external genital and increased activity in oil gland oil spilled bleeding this section, it is quite heavy odor. Blood in the dark and a thick permanent. Clean ignore the microbes produce at the moment, the very destruction of genital makes. Heavy smell is disgusting. Blood is not only in pieces from the skin of a woman, is the heavy smelling of sweat emitted, even when breathing is detected a heavy odor. In particular, the attention of the sweat and very obvious that clean the heavy scent, this body has increased between the toxic substances from the sweat and oil glands from escaping.

In menstruating women before menstruation usually begins in a permanent and after seeing the last few diseases. Dissatisfaction in the body, such as fatigue, nausea, headache, dizziness, indisposition, dyspepsia, flatulence, heart palpitations, sweating, and in particular cold feet, nasal congestion, mute the sound is hard to hear, eyes to the flying insect, narrowing the field of color is not chosen properly, itchy percent of spots and acne, as erythematic swelling and ulcers, bad mood, and are nervous, emotional crisis, such as ... Permanent month delay that disease will worsen. After seeing all these pieces of the female body a favor a light feels. All violence against women and other diseases characteristics show this month, due to our one day before the woman recently more or less disturbed, and a material that this call, a mental fatigue protected against a possible peace says.

Every woman should take into account, patients should be aware of itself permanently in months. These days are spent in bed and not possible, or at least be more careful about his tired, the body, especially of non-genital hygiene very careful.

Postponing Menses Naturally

I am allergic to English postponing medicines so tell me some natural methods of Postponing my periods.

Most women have fairly regular menstrual cycles that cannot be delayed using any natural methods. However, as your menstrual cycle is controlled by your hormones, stress and sudden changes can delay them by a few days. Some women can effectively delay their cycle by shocking their body through sudden intense bouts of physical exertion.
Some women go on extreme water fasts, in which they completely deprive their bodies of any nutrition and only drink large amounts of water for a day or two. These methods will not have any lasting negative effects on you but they will leave you temporarily fatigued. In addition to this, these methods only work for some women and are not foolproof.
There is only one natural method that is widely accepted. It requires you to consume fried gram lentil soup on a daily basis for a week leading up to your due menstrual date. You will need to have the lentil soup along with a cup of warm water every morning on an empty stomach. Although this is a very well known traditional method, it has no scientific basis and more importantly there are not too many women who have actually tried it themselves, so you cannot be certain that it will work. 
I suggest that you visit a doctor and discuss your allergic reactions to certain pills with him. He will be able to give you a prescription drug that will not cause any reaction.

Menopause Health Checklist

1. Get a Pap smear yearly (women without hysterectomy).
2. Get a thyroid study at the onset of menopause, then every two years.
3. Get a Dexa Scan (bone density study) at about age 45 and repeat every two years, based on the original study.
4. Get a colonoscopy between ages 50 and 55. If normal there is no need to repeat unless you have a family history of colon cancer.
5. If you are are smoker, it is important you quit.
6. Increase the proportion of monounsaturated fats in your diet. Fats such as olive, canola, and peanut oils help increase levels of “good,” HDL cholesterol.
7. Get a lipid panel study at age 40 and then every two years thereafter. This assesses your cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.
8. Take an 81 mg aspirin tablet daily, unless contraindicated.

10 General Women's Health Tips

Following these simple, common-sense tips will significantly improve your overall health and quality of life.

  1. Start a healthy nutritional program in your home. Involve your family in the effort, for support and mutual benefit.
  2. Plug in a regular exercise activity, like walking, jogging, or biking. Dust off your exercise bike or treadmill and begin again gradually.
  3. Stop smoking and limit alcohol use.
  4. Start taking a multivitamin/mineral supplement. (Options can be discussed during an appointment.)
  5. Especially for menopausal or perimenopausal women, take a daily calcium supplement (Citracal is a good one). You need 1200 mg of calcium daily divided into 1600 mg tablet in the morning and 600 in the evening
  6. Make a supermarket shopping list that relates to more healthful foods to improve the nutritional health of your family
  7. Use sun screen. Avoid skin damage.
  8. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Decaffeinate!
  9. Keep track of your periods and any cycle related symptoms.
  10. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Have some cut up and ready to eat every day and snack on these rather than fast foods. Try to introduce fresh, raw or steamed vegetables into all of your meals.