Postponing Menses Naturally

I am allergic to English postponing medicines so tell me some natural methods of Postponing my periods.

Most women have fairly regular menstrual cycles that cannot be delayed using any natural methods. However, as your menstrual cycle is controlled by your hormones, stress and sudden changes can delay them by a few days. Some women can effectively delay their cycle by shocking their body through sudden intense bouts of physical exertion.
Some women go on extreme water fasts, in which they completely deprive their bodies of any nutrition and only drink large amounts of water for a day or two. These methods will not have any lasting negative effects on you but they will leave you temporarily fatigued. In addition to this, these methods only work for some women and are not foolproof.
There is only one natural method that is widely accepted. It requires you to consume fried gram lentil soup on a daily basis for a week leading up to your due menstrual date. You will need to have the lentil soup along with a cup of warm water every morning on an empty stomach. Although this is a very well known traditional method, it has no scientific basis and more importantly there are not too many women who have actually tried it themselves, so you cannot be certain that it will work. 
I suggest that you visit a doctor and discuss your allergic reactions to certain pills with him. He will be able to give you a prescription drug that will not cause any reaction.

Menopause Health Checklist

1. Get a Pap smear yearly (women without hysterectomy).
2. Get a thyroid study at the onset of menopause, then every two years.
3. Get a Dexa Scan (bone density study) at about age 45 and repeat every two years, based on the original study.
4. Get a colonoscopy between ages 50 and 55. If normal there is no need to repeat unless you have a family history of colon cancer.
5. If you are are smoker, it is important you quit.
6. Increase the proportion of monounsaturated fats in your diet. Fats such as olive, canola, and peanut oils help increase levels of “good,” HDL cholesterol.
7. Get a lipid panel study at age 40 and then every two years thereafter. This assesses your cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.
8. Take an 81 mg aspirin tablet daily, unless contraindicated.

10 General Women's Health Tips

Following these simple, common-sense tips will significantly improve your overall health and quality of life.

  1. Start a healthy nutritional program in your home. Involve your family in the effort, for support and mutual benefit.
  2. Plug in a regular exercise activity, like walking, jogging, or biking. Dust off your exercise bike or treadmill and begin again gradually.
  3. Stop smoking and limit alcohol use.
  4. Start taking a multivitamin/mineral supplement. (Options can be discussed during an appointment.)
  5. Especially for menopausal or perimenopausal women, take a daily calcium supplement (Citracal is a good one). You need 1200 mg of calcium daily divided into 1600 mg tablet in the morning and 600 in the evening
  6. Make a supermarket shopping list that relates to more healthful foods to improve the nutritional health of your family
  7. Use sun screen. Avoid skin damage.
  8. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Decaffeinate!
  9. Keep track of your periods and any cycle related symptoms.
  10. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Have some cut up and ready to eat every day and snack on these rather than fast foods. Try to introduce fresh, raw or steamed vegetables into all of your meals.