8 Advantages of Cycling Daily

It protects you from diseases
Cycling helps prevent the cardiovascular diseases; according to British researches, an hour of cycling reducing at half this risk. When you cycle, lungs ventilates muscles, oxygenates and your heart beats slower as it gets used to the effort.
It strengthens metabolism
As any physical activity, cycling facilitates digestion, maintains muscles tonus and helps in oxygenating the brain.
It strengthens joints
Cycling is the ideal sport for weight people, for children, and for old people who have fragile articulations.
It wakes up senses
As it is practiced outdoor, cycling develops hearing (it gives you access to a different auditory spectrum, non-restricted visual field) and breathing.
It is ECO
A bike is the enemy of pollution and consumer society. If you don’t want to be one of those who contribute to the atmosphere pollution, use a bike instead of a car. More than that on a bike you are more protected than in any other mean of transport. You are six times safer on a bike than in the car and three times safer than in a bus. It is of no need to mention than it is the fastest in the traffic. It even is 4 times cheaper than the cheapest car.
It helps losing weight
You can waste from 300-600 kcal /hour if you pedal slowly and even more if you accelerate. After an hour of cycling your body begins consumes the grease reserves in order to obtain the energy necessary to compensate the effort. It is wrong to believe that a bike only trains feet muscles, the whole body is moving: thighs and ankles from pedaling, the abdomen and bottom because of the position you have on the bike; arms and forearms if you go on a injured field.
You gain time on a bike
When you use a bike you move about 14 km /hour, meaning 3 times faster than walking, you don’t lose time by waiting subways, buses or looking for a parking place. You are not affected by jams. Moreover, maintaining a bike doesn’t cost as much as a car does and you don’t need a garage for it.
It is funny
A bike is recommended for people of any age, that is why it can be an ideal way of spending time with your family. Any physical effort generates endorphin, meaning happiness hormone. Try observing your colleagues who come at work with their bikes. Aren’t they happier?

Weight problems – Theoretical basis

At the beginning of human evolution, humans were defenseless against nature so they were constantly fighting starvation. The survival of mankind was censured by the ones who could adapt to hunger, and could utilize nutrition and calories the most.
The 20th century’s industrial and agricultural development brought a huge change in food production, which got boosted in the western countries and soon influenced the rest of the world.
The spread of automobiles, public vehicles and all sorts of machines that replaced manual labor, physical activity led to the decrease of energy-releasing. Plus, high carbohydrate foods, containing too much fat have spread in the same time, thus increasing the energy-absorption to a much higher level.
Humanity couldn’t adapt to such energy surplus. This resulted in today’s endemic in western countries, which is obesity. The main factors that cause obesity are: increased calorie-intake and a decreased metabolic rate. There are 40 enzymes in the human body that help maintain the constant, healthy weight of a person. A hereditary enzyme impairment can be one cause of sever overweight. This is proven by the fact that in most cases, obese children have obese parents. Overweight can have a hormonal basis or it can be caused by an impaired central nervous system.
The external influences play a key part in the energy-absorption of obese people. In the case of a hereditary disorder, the body’s ability to compensate all that calorie-intake is much lower. That is why it can’t cope with the effect caused by improper eating habits and lack of exercise.
It is important to manage these unfavorable influences and thus decrease weight. Moreover, it is essential because obesity assists to a lot of diseases that debauch life and diminish its span.
Unfortunately a huge percent of people in the 21th century are suffering from the same problem. And their number is constantly going up.Weight loss products, prescription diet pills, fat burners are everywhere. They are becoming necessities of everyday life. Super model figures can slowly be seen only in television or on the internet. It is up to you to change your lifestyle and help the picture of tomorrow become a little more positive!